Tafsir and Israiliyyat in the Holy Quran

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İsraeliyat, Tafsir, Faith, Holy Quran


Israeliyyat is the whole of the information obtained from Jewish and Christian sources of Islamic science studies. It includes various narratives, stories and historical narratives included in the Islamic literature of the time. The symbols of Israiliyyat refer to Islamic literature and interpretations of a range of Jewish traditions, legends, and historical narratives. These influences can be found in a variety of Islamic texts, including Qur'anic commentaries, hadith collections, and historical works. The use of Israiliyyat is a matter of debate. While the work highlights common historical and cultural aspects, serving as a bridge between Jewish and Islamic traditions, it is important to approach Israelism with caution. By examining the intersections between Jewish and Islamic narratives, a deeper understanding of the spiritual and spiritual connections between these two faiths can be gained. While others are classified, others combines all of this information with caution. Because it may contain elements, interpretations or biases different from the Islamic knowledge. Critical analysis of the information obtained from Israiliyyat and attaching great importance to the maintenance of Islamic policies. The meaning of this Israiliyyat expression, its introduction to tafsir, the meaning of the Qur'an It is aimed to explain to the readers its role and its relations with the books of Ahl al-Sunnah


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How to Cite

Bilik, M. Şafi. (2024). Tafsir and Israiliyyat in the Holy Quran. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF SOCIAL HUMANITIES SCIENCES RESEARCH, 11(106), 796–802. https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.11109528