Research Article The Practice of Muallafat al-Qulûb (Winning Hearts) During the Prophet's Era and Its Effects
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Islamic History, Sirah, Hunayn, Ci‘rane, Muallafat al-QulûbAbstract
In the history of Islam, after the Battle of Hunayn, which took place during the reign of the Prophet Muhammad, a large amount of booty was captured. On the instructions of the Prophet, the spoils obtained from the war were collected in Ci‘rane, which is known as the miqat location in Mecca even today. In Ci‘rane, the Prophet Muhammad paid more money to the Muallafat al-Qulûb from some of the booty to warm their hearts to Islam. In our research, we first present the subject of the Muallafat al-Qulûb in a more comprehensive manner. We mention the historical process regarding the emergence of the Muallafat al-Qulûb during the period of the Prophet. In addition, we examine the social lives of these people as a whole and try to determine the types of spoils given by the Prophet to the Muallafat al-Qulûb and their roles in the period. In our research, we reference history, Sirah, and layered books as sources. Information about the social lives of these people was also used from relevant hadith sources.
Among those who were paid from the booty to warm their hearts to Islam, there were Meccans who had just become Muslims after the conquest of Mecca, as well as people who had become Muslims before the conquest of Mecca. Moreover, it is noted that these people connected with the Muallafat al-Qulûb were not only from the Quraysh tribes. In this context, what is notable is that respectable and respected people emerge in the tribe of those whose hearts are warmed to Islam. This study investigates the people who are considered Muallafat al-Qulûb and aims to reveal the reasons why the spoils were given to the Muallafat al-Qulûb in Ci‘rane after the Prophet's Battle of Hunayn and the socio-cultural effects of the period.
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