Certain Evaluations on the Interpretation of the Staff of Moses (pbuh) as a Symbol of Rulership

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Tafsir, Moses, Staff, Miracle, Symbol


The Qur’an mentions the conversion of the Staff of Moses (pbuh) into a serpent on three different occasions and places. In tafsir history, interpreters generally regard the transformation of his (pbuh) staff into a serpent as an extraordinary event that transcends the laws of nature. In other words, the conversion of the staff into a serpent is viewed as a miracle performed by Moses (pbuh) to prove his prophethood and incapacitate his opponents. Therefore, interpreters who regard this conversion as a miracle must have also accepted that this event took place in a real sense in that time and place. However, certain contemporary Qur’an interpreters state that this event is not a miracle, meaning that the staff did not turn into a serpent in a literal sense. Based on the fact that the staff and the serpent were symbols of rulership in ancient Egypt, they state that the conversion of staff mentioned in the Qur’an is not literal, but rather a symbol of rulership/dominance/regency. According to these claimants, the matter of the staff narrated in the Qur’an within the context of the parable of Moses (pbuh) was misinterpreted by interpreters. According to them, the main reason why the subject was misinterpreted and reduced to a miracle by interpreters is undoubtedly that the parabolical narration commonly used by Arabs in their language was perceived in literal terms. Another reason why the staff was perceived as a miracle is that certain idiomatic statements in the parable, such as “He (pbuh) threw his staff” were handled with a literal approach. Those who claim that the staff parable is a symbol of rulership put forth certain arguments to form a basis for their claims and tried to prove that the Staff of Moses (pbuh) did not undergo a miraculous physical transformation. In the present article, their arguments regarding the idea that the conversion of the staff was not a physical transformation but rather a symbol of rulership will be discussed and evaluated.


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How to Cite

Özdemir, F. (2024). Certain Evaluations on the Interpretation of the Staff of Moses (pbuh) as a Symbol of Rulership. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF SOCIAL HUMANITIES SCIENCES RESEARCH, 11(106), 740–752. https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.11109334