Game-Based Learning and Preschool Educatios

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Preschool Education, Game, Game Based Learning


Play is one of the most important tools that express and direct the child's expectations, goals and wishes for the future. The behaviors and teaching achievements gained through play, especially in pre-school education, continue to be effective throughout life. Thanks to games, children can socialize, become aware of their talents, and reflect their inner leadership qualities. Through play, children acquire all the knowledge, skills and behaviors that they will need throughout their lives and that will contribute to their survival. In a child's life, play is like bread and water. The physical, spiritual, mental and psychological development of your child is directly related to the games he can play in time. Thanks to games, children gain problem-solving skills, the ability to communicate correctly, the ability to cooperate, dream and self-realize. In this study, preschool education, play-based learning, the effects of play-based learning in preschool on child development, its advantages, strategies and the duties of families were examined using the descriptive analysis method. Based on the findings, it was observed that thanks to a game-based curriculum in pre-school education, students' problem skills increased, they were more willing to work in collaboration, and they became aware of their abilities and formed a pattern of behavior in this way. It has been concluded that for the further development of all these features, the Ministry of National Education should update the current curriculum, simplify the curriculum, improve teacher training in this regard, allocate more time to family education and provide more financial means for school resources.


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How to Cite

Pesen Duman, K., & Cumart, G. (2024). Game-Based Learning and Preschool Educatios. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF SOCIAL HUMANITIES SCIENCES RESEARCH, 11(106), 786–795.