Teacher Perceptions of Secondary School Principals' Transformational and Sustainability Leadership Styles
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Leadership, transformational, sustainerAbstract
Teacher perceptions of transformational and sustaining leadership styles of school administrators working in secondary schools and still continuing their duties constitute the basis of the subject of this research. This research was conducted by analyzing the answers given to the scales by teachers working in public secondary schools in the central districts of Denizli in the spring semester of the 2023-2024 academic year. The research is in a quantitative and survey model. Data were obtained from 326 teachers by random sampling. The highest average in teachers' perceptions of transformational and sustaining leadership styles is "Very high" and "It would make us happy to work with him." and “He speaks very optimistically about the future of the school.” in the articles. The lowest average is at the "Intermediate" level: "He doesn't move around the school much, he's usually in his office." It is in the article. In the sub-dimensions, it was determined that secondary school teachers thought that school principals exhibited transformational leadership styles more, while they thought that they exhibited sustaining leadership style at a moderate level. It has been determined that secondary school administrators' teachers' views on transformational and sustaining leadership methods do not vary in terms of age, branch and marital status, but they do vary depending on gender, seniority, education level and career status. Teacher opinions of secondary school administrators regarding transformational and sustaining leadership methods are higher in favor of male teachers in the sustaining leadership dimension and general leadership perceptions according to gender; It was observed that teachers with a faculty degree were higher than teachers with a master's degree in the transformational leadership dimension and general leadership perceptions according to their education level. According to their career status, the transformational leadership dimension was found to be higher between those with the title of teacher and those with the title of Head Teacher, and in favor of head teachers.
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