Repair Process Stages and Protection in Traditional Plain Weaves
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Restoration, Protection, Lint-Free Weaving, Repair ProceduresAbstract
There are carpet and rug weavings in the Anatolian lands, which are very rich in terms of traditional weaving products. It is possible to find weavings that are still used in many homes today, but also in museums and collections. Especially the textiles owned by individuals are transferred from generation to generation and are preserved with special meanings. Repair, maintenance and protection measures are taken, especially for the long-term protection of woven products that are still in use. The studies carried out on the protection and repair of pile-free textiles in our country are not considered sufficient. Weavings, which are a part of our culture, undergo deformation over time and lose their usable properties over time. To prevent this, some protection measures must be taken and repairs must be carried out.
However, as a result of the lack of adequate promotion in active workshops working on this subject, individuals intervene in weavings within the framework of their own means and knowledge. When these interventions are done incorrectly, they cause irreversible problems. In this study, the studies and production techniques for the maintenance and repair of lint-free textiles, which have ethnographic value, were examined. Information was obtained by contacting the weaving repair workshops and the work was prepared by taking repair photos. This study has been prepared in two categories, which determine the repair processes and the protection methods of the textiles. The data obtained during the repair phase were photographed, information was given and suggestions were made. This study is planned to provide information about the maintenance, repair and protection of lint-free textiles and to provide resources for future studies.
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