Evaluation of Working Postures of Emergency Health Services Workers by REBA and RULA Method
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Occupational health, ergonomics, health services, occupational disease, REBA, RULAAbstract
Following the industrial revolution there has been an increasing emphasis on occupational health and safety. Over the years, numerous regulations and laws have been enacted to ensure the health and safety of employees across all sectors. In our country, the Occupational Health and Safety (OHS) Law, implemented in 2012, clearly outlines the responsibilities of the state, employers, and employees across all sectors. The primary aim of the OHS Law is to reduce the incidence of occupational accidents and diseases. Diseases that arise due to the nature of a person's job and negatively impact their health are termed as occupational diseases. By identifying the causes of these diseases and taking necessary precautions, they can be effectively prevented. One prevalent occupational disease in our country is musculoskeletal (MSK) diseases. These diseases often result from poor posture, repetitive movements, and strains during work hours, particularly in occupations requiring physical labor. In our country, musculoskeletal complaints and MSI diseases are frequently observed among HÖASH workers. This is largely due to the rapid movements HÖASH workers must make during emergencies, improper patient handling techniques, and the physical strains in inadequate work environments. Treating these diseases can be lengthy, and full recovery rates are often low. Consequently, employees returning to work after treatment may struggle to perform their previous duties. Treating employees with MSI diseases not only results in lost working days but also incurs costs related to insurance compensation. Given the economic losses and health deterioration associated with MSI diseases, prevention should be prioritized over treatment. In this study, ergonomic risk analyses using REBA and RULA were conducted on ATTs, paramedics, and drivers employed in ASH, focusing on 7 different posture positions during patient interventions. The objective was to proactively address the posture positions posing a risk for MSI diseases. The analysis revealed that two posture positions were of low risk, one was of medium risk, one was of very high risk, and three were categorized as high risk. Recommendations were provided to mitigate the identified high-risk levels.
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