An Evaluation of the Methodology of Contemporary French Sociologist Pierre Bourdieu: “Dualisms”, “Relationality” and “Reflexivity”

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Pierre Bourdieu, Sociology, theory, dualism, relationality, reflexivity


Pierre Bourdieu is an intellectual figure in French sociology. His works are evaluated from a very broad perspective. The concept of method is quite prominent in his works. Like every thinker with intellectual knowledge, he has elements that he supports and opposes regarding method. He has tried to overcome these oppositions and develop a theoretical research and approach in social sciences. Therefore, Bourdieu tries to overcome the relational opposition by giving importance to methodological integrity in the works he deals with. Inspired by Hegel and Cassier, Bourdieu accepts that what is real is relations, that is, relationality. Relationality is at the center of his sociology. Bourdieu thinks that relationality is a tool to solve the problems of society. He invites all sociologists to reflexive sociology in order to analyze social movements and cases. Traces of reflexivity can be seen in Bourdieu's interest in relationality. Bourdieu has put forward a reflexive sociology method towards relationality in all his texts. Although the method in question is not very noticeable in his early texts, it has come to the forefront in his recent works in the form of reflexivity. In short, reflexivity is important in his social theory and has been the focal point of social theory. The aim of this research is to examine the concepts of opposing dualisms, relationality and reflexivity based on Bourdieu. The study will focus on the relationship between subjectivism and objectivism and will address Bourdieu’s structural constructivist method. From this point on, the importance of relational and reflexive sociological methods will be brought to light.


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How to Cite

Bektaş, A. (2024). An Evaluation of the Methodology of Contemporary French Sociologist Pierre Bourdieu: “Dualisms”, “Relationality” and “Reflexivity”. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF SOCIAL HUMANITIES SCIENCES RESEARCH, 11(108), 1119–1125.