Introducing Historical Values with Comics: Scientists Comic Series
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Turkish education., Value, Children's Literature, ComicsAbstract
The examination element of this research was created by the Ministry of National Education in order to provide students with this information in a comic book genre rich with visual stimuli in order to enable them to comprehend the contributions of important figures who have become part of history to the world and humanity. The use of comic books in education is very important. Using the tools that children love in education facilitates learning. Materials enriched with visuals are also elements that attract attention and make learning enjoyable. It is important to benefit from these resources in in-class and out-of-class activities. One of the literary genres that includes all of these features is the comic book. This research, it was aimed to introduce scientists to students through the comic book genre and to provide historical knowledge and consciousness with these works and to transfer values through works. The first works of the prepared series, Evliya Çelebi, Harizmi and Cezeri comic books, aimed to provide a rich learning experience to all students, especially middle school students, about the characteristics of the period in which the hero lived, social and cultural structures. Content analysis, one of the qualitative research methods, was used in the research. Works used in the research were accessed from the official website of the Ministry of National Education. As a result of the research, it is seen that it is appropriate to read these comics as an educational source that can be used to introduce and endear the figures that shaped our history. The works have presented the lives of important figures who contributed to our history, science, culture and art world to students in different ways, and it is aimed to attract their attention with visual richness. While doing this with comics, they have managed to introduce these values without alienating them from the essence of our national culture.
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