Reflection of Entertainment Culture of Bursa in the Press at the End of the 19th Century: The Example of Bursa Newspaper

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Ottoman, Bursa Newspaper, Entertainment Culture


This study examines the entertainment culture in Ottoman Bursa in the late 19th century and its reflections in Bursa Newspaper, the newspaper of that period. Bursa Newspaper, on the one hand, publishes entertainment activities and venues in order to inform the people of the city, and on the other hand, it publishes advertisements of entertainment venues and programs to be held. With the influence of the westernization movement after Tanzimat, new and Western style entertainment venues were opened in Bursa, thus, while traditional entertainment continued, new-style entertainment also attracted attention. The news and advertisements published in Bursa Newspaper contain signs of the entertainment culture of the city, which continues in both traditional and Western styles, and how it has undergone a transformation from traditional to modern. In this context, this study analyses and interprets these signs through the news and advertisements in the newspaper.

Author Biography


Sevda Nur Yıldırım is a PhD student at Uludağ University, Faculty of Theology, Islamic History and Arts PhD programme. She is also working as a history teacher in the Ministry of National Education. Her academic field of study is Tanzimat period, 19th century Bursa City Culture and Westernisation movements.


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How to Cite

Kanıbir, H. (2024). Reflection of Entertainment Culture of Bursa in the Press at the End of the 19th Century: The Example of Bursa Newspaper. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF SOCIAL HUMANITIES SCIENCES RESEARCH, 11(109), 1279–1285.