Factors Affecting Visual Perception in Interior Space: Reading Space Through the Concepts of Visual Perception and Belonging

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Belonging, perception of space, visual perception


Since the existence of humankind, space design has been constructed with the elements of space; at the same time, it took shape encompassing various dynamics such as cultural, social and political. At the foundation of these dynamics that constitute social structure lies the concept of belonging for spatial attachment. The aim of this study is to determine the perceptual effects of design elements on individuals and to examine the interaction of design notions with social dynamics through the concept of belonging. This research is important to understand the emotional effects of design elements on users and to manage the perception of space correctly. Furthermore, it is valuable for future studies to touch upon the way in which dynamics from the concept of belongingness are used in the structure and their contributions within the scope of space, belongingness and the individual.

Within the scope of this study, the spatial role of design elements has been explained, highlighting their effects on users. To make a general inference within the framework of the social design notion, the relationship between belongingness and space has been analyzed through selected examples. It has been observed that in the form and shaping of the space, each reinforcement element changes the perception power of the individual, affects the individual emotionally and especially that the concept of belongingness plays an important role in the foundation of spatial design. Within the framework of universal design principles, the strong link of the concept of belongingness between the individual and the space has emerged; it has been observed that this subjectively changing situation also plays a binding role universally. Designing elements considering social factors will play an effective role in strengthening the relationship between space and the individual.

Author Biography

Reyda Ör, Gedik Üniversitesi

Ör completed his undergraduate education in the Department of Interior Architecture at Mimar Sinan Fine Arts University in 2018. He completed his master's education in 2022 at Mimar Sinan Fine Arts University's Institute of Science, Department of Interior Architecture, with a thesis titled "The Reflection of Forms on Space from Modernism to Postmodernism: A Study on the New York Five." Since 2022, Ör has been working as a lecturer at Gedik University and continues to practice the profession of interior architecture, enhancing his industry experience.


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How to Cite

Ör, R., & Sarıman Özen, E. (2024). Factors Affecting Visual Perception in Interior Space: Reading Space Through the Concepts of Visual Perception and Belonging. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF SOCIAL HUMANITIES SCIENCES RESEARCH, 11(108), 1126–1145. https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.12603188