Analysis of Postgraduate Theses on Self-Regulation in the Field of Mathematics Education

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Mathematics, Content Analysis


In recent years, the concepts of mathematics and self-regulation have become an important topic of mathematics-related studies. In this study, graduate theses on mathematics and self-regulation between 2003 and 2022 were analyzed by descriptive content analysis method. The postgraduate theses examined in the study were obtained as a result of a search in the Higher Education Council (YÖK) National Thesis Scanning Center database within the framework of the concepts of "mathematics, self-regulation and self-regulation in mathematics". During the research, it was seen that there were different ways of using the concept of self-regulation, different ways of using the concept were included in the study, and it was thought that it would be more accurate to use self-regulation in our study in order to ensure consensus. This study is limited to 36 (26 master's and 10 doctoral) graduate theses on self-regulation in mathematics education until 2022. The data obtained in the study were examined in terms of the years in which the theses on self-regulation in mathematics were conducted, research method and model, target group, data collection tools, data analysis techniques and the program used in data analysis, keywords, dependent variable, region where the research was conducted and sampling methods. The data obtained were shown with the help of frequency, graphs and tables. Since 2003, the number of master's theses has increased, but the number of doctoral theses has decreased, and the number of doctoral theses is approximately one third of the number of master's theses. In the research, it was determined that most of the theses were conducted to examine self-regulation in mathematics in the context of mathematics achievement. It was determined that the dependent variable in the majority of the studies was mathematics achievement and anxiety. The region where the studies were conducted was mostly Marmara Region. It was seen that quantitative survey method was mostly used as the research method, questionnaires/scales and tests were used as data collection tools, quasi-experimental design model with pre-test post-test control group was mostly chosen as the research model, and the target group in the studies was mostly selected from middle school students. T-test was mostly used as data analysis technique. It was noticed that purposive sampling method was mostly used as sampling method. In terms of thesis type, there are mostly master's theses. The most commonly used data analysis program is SPSS. It was seen that self-regulation, self-regulation strategies and mathematics achievement were mostly used in the selection of keywords in the studies.


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How to Cite

Demir, B., Ünger, C., Çakır, B., Akçay, İrem S., & Beyazhançer, R. (2024). Analysis of Postgraduate Theses on Self-Regulation in the Field of Mathematics Education. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF SOCIAL HUMANITIES SCIENCES RESEARCH, 11(109), 1345–1357.

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