Study on the Development of a Scale to Determine the Need for a Family Constitution in the Institutionalization Process of Family Companies

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Family businesses, Institutionalization, Family constitution, Scale development


One of the most important factors in the continuity of family businesses and their transfer to future generations is institutionalization. There may be a need to create a family constitution in order to structure institutionalization efforts in a healthy way. For this reason, this study aimed to develop a "scale for determining whether there is a need for a family constitution in family businesses" that is sufficient in terms of validity and reliability, which was found to be lacking in the literature.

Within the scope of the research, a total of 703 data were collected during the research through a survey in family businesses operating in the manufacturing sector in Kahramanmaraş and Gaziantep provinces. The data obtained was analyzed in SPSS and AMOS programs and as a result, its reliability and validity were proven at the α: .925 level, it had a variance explanation value of 67.58%, factor loadings between 718 and 772. According to the confirmatory factor analysis (CFA) results, Δχ²: 843.921; Sd (DF): 546; Δχ²/sd: 1.545; A scale consisting of ten questions and two dimensions was developed, with a high overall compliance rate of RMSEA: 0.56 CFI: 956 NFI: 963 GFI: 899.

Key Words: Family businesses, Institutionalization, Family constitution, Scale Development


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How to Cite

Çiçek, B. B., & Fettahlıoğlu, Ömer O. (2024). Study on the Development of a Scale to Determine the Need for a Family Constitution in the Institutionalization Process of Family Companies. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF SOCIAL HUMANITIES SCIENCES RESEARCH, 11(109), 1370–1382.