Reflection of Google Search Commands in Metaphors
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Google operators, Metaphor analysis, Applied linguistics, PAH cycleAbstract
Google search operators (GSOs) are a promising research topic for accessing open-access resources in various academic subjects, producing content from these resources, and testing the accuracy and appropriateness of the language of instruction. However, there has been insufficient research conducted on this subject. To address this issue, English language and literature students in their first year at a Turkish university were instructed on the use of GSOs. They were then tasked with providing a metaphor that reflects their understanding of these operators. Although the students were not required to provide a justification for the metaphor they wrote, most of them added an explanation. This additional information overlapped with the metaphor answer, emphasising what the student meant. The metaphors analysis conducted demonstrated that the prominent qualities of the metaphors written by the students can be grouped under several overlapping thematic headings, allowing for generalisation. In this action research aiming to have deep insight into students' attitudes towards GSOs through their metaphors that function deep analysis tools cutting horizontally across their conceptualisations, the main findings can be summarised as that GSOs can be used as educational tools to speed up the processes of content access and production, functioning as counselling tools to facilitate the focus on topics of interest, and support independent learning.
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