Generation Z Youth’s Trust in the State and Institutions: The Case of Türkiye

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Generation Z, trust, institutional trust, government


Individuals born between 1995 and 2010 are defined as Generation Z. Living in the world of digital technologies and often in a virtual world, Generation Z’s intensive use of technology is an important part of their lives. The most important difference between this generation and other generations is that they were born and grew up within technology and the internet. This situation creates significant changes in their perception, thinking, learning and awareness, especially in their perspective on the world. When the proportion of Generation Z in the general population is taken into account, it becomes necessary for this age group to be examined and analyzed by the government. Trust is the belief that a person has that the person they are in social relations with will act in accordance with their interests. Trust in the state and institutions is an important factor that ensures that the legitimacy and effectiveness of the government can be realized and even sustained. In order for public policies to be implemented effectively, citizens’ trust and public support are needed. However, since the 1970s, there has been a serious decline in the level of trust that citizens have in the state and institutions in the world and in Turkey. As a matter of fact, this erosion of trust is undermining the legitimacy and stability of modern democratic systems.

The aim of the study was determined to examine the level of trust that Generation Z has in the state and institutions in Turkey. In addition, another issue addressed in the study is which factors affect the institutional trust level of Generation Z. In line with this purpose, a quantitative method was adopted in the study. The data subject to the study was obtained through a survey study. The survey study was conducted in 2023 in 23 provinces in the universe of Turkey with 2018 participants. The participants consist of young people between the ages of 18-25. According to the results of the survey study, it was determined that the level of trust that Generation Z individuals have in the state and institutions is low. In addition, it was found that the demographic characteristics of Generation Z, their level of religiosity, their satisfaction with life, their level of hope for the future and their ideological positioning affect the level of institutional trust.


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How to Cite

Örselli, E., Bayrakcı, E., & Küçüktığlı, A. T. (2024). Generation Z Youth’s Trust in the State and Institutions: The Case of Türkiye. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF SOCIAL HUMANITIES SCIENCES RESEARCH, 11(110), 1481–1491.