Examination of Environmental Sensitivity of Faculty of Sports Sciences Students in Terms of Different Variables
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Environmental Awareness, Physical educationAbstract
Nowadays, with the increase in urbanization, urban people tend to move away from recreation and sports areas in urban spaces and towards nature. For these reasons, there is an increasing demand for sports activities in nature. It is not possible to consider the environment separately from human impact. Because the environment is not only the world outside us but also aplace that we influence, are influenced by and shape. The aim of this study is to determine the approaches to environmental problems and environmental sensitivity of the students of the faculty of sports sciences and to examine them in terms of different variables. Research data were collected with the Personal Information Form and Environmental Behavior Scale, which was adapted into Turkish by Timur and Yılmaz in 2013 and consists of 20 items and 6 sub-dimensions, and a valid reliability study was conducted. SPSS 26 statistical program was used to analyze the data. It is among the undergraduate documents studied at İnönü University Faculty of Sports Sciences. According to the findings obtained within the scope of the research, it was concluded that female students of the Faculty of Sports Sciences are more sensitive than male children and that the environments are developed in accordance with the age they live in and their level of education. A person is sensitive only to activities within his knowledge. It is very important for individuals to be educated and develop positive attitudes towards the environment in order to prevent and solve environmental problems. Because it is very difficult for individuals who are not environmentally conscious and insensitive to take the necessary steps for the protection and sustainability of the environment. Therefore, it is necessary to raise awareness in society about environmental awareness. It is important to repeat similar studies and continue a sustainable education process on environmental awareness.
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