Career Stress and Professional Competences of Football Coaches
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Football, coachAbstract
The aim of this study is to examine the career stress and professional competency levels of football coaches. The population of the research consists of football coaches working in Turkey. The sample group was selected using a convenience sampling method and comprised 383 male coaches holding TFF C, UEFA B, and UEFA A coaching licenses. The "Career Stress Scale," developed by Choi et al. (2011) and adapted into Turkish by Özden and Sertel-Berk (2017), and the "Coaching Competency Scale-II," developed by Feltz et al. (1999), updated by Myers et al. (2008), and adapted into Turkish by Unutmaz and Gençer (2017), were used as data collection tools in the study. For the statistical analysis of the data, percentage and frequency values were calculated for the demographic information, and the distribution of the data was determined by checking kurtosis and skewness values. As a result, independent sample t-tests and ANOVA were used among the parametric tests in the study. According to the findings, a significant difference was found between the socio-economic levels of the participants and their levels of career stress. Additionally, significant differences were identified in the coaches' competency levels based on marital status, socio-economic level, and license type. However, no relationship was found between career stress, coaching competency levels, and age. In conclusion, the career stress and coaching competency levels of the participants vary according to their socio-demographic characteristics.
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