Investigation of the Use of Historical Building Information Modeling (HBIM) and Development of HBIM Technology Acceptance Model
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Historic Building Information Modelling, (HBIM), Technology Acceptance Model (TAM)Abstract
In today's architecture, the project design process is carried out easier and faster, especially in complex and large-scale structures, with the development of technology. Thanks to the increasing number of analysis and modeling software; Both the projecting process, technical analysis and operation-life cycle of a building have become easily controllable and manageable. This process has been named Building Information Modeling and has become widely used around the world. With the developing measurement and documentation technologies, the preparation of restoration projects of historical buildings has begun to be carried out with Building Information Modeling-based software. This new method, called Historical Building Information Modeling (TYBM), is used in processes such as preparation of restitution and restoration projects of the building, static analysis, and material studies by transferring the survey data obtained from the building to the computer environment with the least margin of error. The Technology Acceptance Model (TAM), on which the study is based, is defined by Davis (1989) as the acceptance of a new technology by the user; It is a model that argues that it can be used depending on variables such as Perceived Usefulness and Perceived Ease of Use. The purpose of this study; As with every emerging new technology, it aims to develop the "TYBM Technology Acceptance Model", which will be tested with a survey study by examining the factors that may be effective in users' tendency to accept and use HBIM technology.
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