The Effects of Cloud Computing Technologies on Business Sustainability

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Cloud Computing, Cost, Competitive Advantage, Sustainabil


The aim of this study is to examine the effects of cloud computing technologies on the sustainability of businesses. The method of the study is qualitative deductive-deductive, and in this context, scientific articles, books, theses and  written documents, which are secondary sources, were utilized in the preparation of the report of the study. Today, most businesses Today, most of the businesses  cannot follow digital technologies sufficiently, and as a result, increasing global competition negatively affects many small and large businesses. Ensuring sustainability in an economy and adapting information technologies to businesses cannot be possible only with the efforts of businesses, so public institutions, businesses, non-governmental organizations and universities should be in cooperation and solidarity. In this context, it is thought that scientific studies to be carried out on this subject within the framework of university-industry cooperation can make important contributions to the sustainability of enterprises, the follow-up of technologies and the development of the country's economy.


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How to Cite

Ulutürk, F. (2024). The Effects of Cloud Computing Technologies on Business Sustainability. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF SOCIAL HUMANITIES SCIENCES RESEARCH, 11(113), 2356–2368.