Traditional and Innovative Approaches in Solfeggio and Harmony Education: A Literature-Based Review
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Traditional Education, Digital Education, Solfège EducationAbstract
This study aims to analyze the effects of traditional and innovative approaches used in solfeggio and harmony education on student performance. The role of solfeggio and harmony education in developing musical skills is emphasized, and the contributions of traditional educators, particularly Adnan Saygun and Muammer Sun, are discussed. The purpose of the research is to compare the effects of traditional and digital teaching methods on students and to highlight the advantages and limitations of these two approaches. Key research questions include the frequency of using traditional and digital teaching methods, their impact on student performance, and the advantages and disadvantages of these approaches. The research model is defined as a qualitative descriptive research model, and content analysis technique is employed to review studies in the literature. The study group and sample are based on a literature review of solfeggio and harmony education, with sources selected from studies related to music education in Turkey and internationally. During the data collection process, academic articles, textbooks, and digital platforms were utilized. Data analysis was conducted through thematic content analysis, and the findings were evaluated through a coding process. The findings of the research indicate that traditional methods offer structured learning processes, while digital methods provide flexibility and personalized learning opportunities. In the results and discussion section, the advantages and limitations of traditional and digital methods are evaluated comparatively with the literature. The findings emphasize that traditional methods develop in-depth musical skills, whereas digital methods accelerate the learning process. The study concludes by highlighting the positive effects of a balanced use of both methods on student performance. Furthermore, it is suggested that the use of hybrid models in music education will be beneficial for future practices.
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