The Course of Democracy in the Digital
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Democracy, ParticipationAbstract
In the 21st century world, values, norms and concepts are being transformed due to digitalization that affects every aspect of life, and this situation makes it inevitable that the concept of democracy should be re-evaluated in current dimensions. Especially the presence of digital domains is also affecting the tools of policymakers, and the digitalization of democratic tools is becoming widespread. There are a number of values that make local governments important. Among these values, participation is an indispensable condition (sine qua non) for local democracy. What is important in democratic systems is the participation of the people in matters that concern them. The effectiveness of participation lies in the negotiation of decisions and their realization through consent, beyond just voting. This situation points to the locality of democracy and it is stated that local governments contribute more to the maintenance of democracy in terms of participation opportunities compared to central governments.
With digitalization, democracy in governance has diversified. Digitalization affects citizens' political participation. The study aims to explain the impact of digital tools on citizens' decision-making processes in a digitizing society. Within the scope of the study, the impact of digitalization on political participation will be examined and its reflections on local participation will be explained.
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