Assessment of Asbestos Exposure During Urban Transformation from the Perspective of Occupational Health and Safety
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Occupational Health and Safety, Urban Transformation, Asbestos Exposure, Types of AsbestosAbstract
Turkey is located in a seismic zone, necessitating the demolition and renewal of buildings that have completed their lifespan and transformed into risky structures. The demolition of risky buildings is carried out by Law No. 6306 on the Renewal of Hazardous Structures. The prohibition of asbestos in construction materials in Turkey was established by the "Regulation Amending the Regulation on Restrictions Regarding the Production, Marketing, and Use of Certain Hazardous Substances, Preparations, and Goods," which was issued in 2010. For buildings constructed before this date, demolition poses a risk of environmental asbestos exposure.
The primary goal of this study is to identify and recommend the necessary measures to prevent asbestos-related harm during the demolition and renewal of buildings classified as risky according to the Urban Transformation Law. This study, which takes into account occupational health and safety principles, analyzes the asbestos test results from a total of 25,396 samples taken from 16,597 buildings planned for urban transformation in various provinces of Turkey, primarily in Istanbul. The types and proportions of materials containing asbestos were identified, highlighting the precautions that should be taken during the urban transformation of old buildings.
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