The Impact of Economic Growth and Globalization on Environmental Quality: An Analysis on Turkiye
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Economic Growth, Environmental Pollution, Globalization, Ecological Footprint, TurkiyeAbstract
With globalization on the rise, there has been recently a notable rise in environmental pollution stemming from production activities, driven by rising energy consumption and hence economic growth. For this reason, it is essential to investigate the determinants of the ecological footprint both for guiding focused policies towards achieving sustainable development goals and for assessing the effectiveness of implemented policies. This paper seeks to explore the determi-nants of the ecological footprint, selected as a proxy of environmental quality, for the period spanning from 1980 to 2021 in Turkiye, utilizing the ARDL bounds testing approach. The re-sults indicate that the presence of globalization has revealed an inverse U-shaped nexus between ecological footprint and economic growth in both the short and long term. Moreover, the results revealed that subcomponents of globalization positively contribute to economic growth in the short term. Conversely, in the long term, economic globalization has a negative effect, whereas political and social globalization have positive impacts.
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