Analysis of Cartoon Series in the Context of National Values and Cultural Elements: Akıncı
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Akıncı, Caroon Series, Values, Cultural ElementsAbstract
The purpose of this study is to evaluate the Akıncı cartoon series in terms of national values and cultural elements. For this purpose, the study was prepared according to the case study, one of the qualitative research methods. The sample of my research consists of the Akıncı cartoon series broadcast on ATV and MinikaGO channels, which were selected with the purposeful sampling method. Akıncı is a cartoon series broadcast weekly. In order to collect the data of the research within the scope of this study, 26 episodes of the cartoon series covering 2 seasons were examined. While collecting the data, categories were first created in terms of values. While creating these categories, the values in the Turkey Century Education Model were taken into consideration. Cultural codes were determined in order to examine the cultural elements. In this context, the content of the cartoon series was discussed in terms of family, language and literature, clothing and accessories, belief, national sensitivity and food culture. Content analysis method was used in the analysis of the data. As a result of my study, the importance of the Akıncı cartoon series in transferring Turkish culture to children and the values in the Turkey Century Education Model were revealed in terms of the fact that the plot of the cartoon series is based on Turkish history, the protagonist's name is Akıncı, the cartoon series behaves in accordance with the Turkish family structure, the presence of foods, clothing, language elements reflecting Turkish culture and being sensitive in terms of national sensitivities. With this study, it was concluded that the Akıncı cartoon series, which is fluent in terms of language and style and rich in vocabulary, is a cartoon series that is suitable for the lifestyle, outlook on life and culture of the Turkish nation in terms of cultural elements and values. It is thought that Akıncı, the first Turkish animation cartoon series in Turkey, can play a role in acquiring the values in the Turkey Century Education Model to individuals, in transferring Turkish culture and in enriching vocabulary.
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