A Cultural Element About to Be Forgotten in Postgraduate Theses: Lullabies, Our Lullabies

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Lullaby, Master’s Degree, Doctor of Philosophy, , Postgraduate Thesis


The main purpose of this study is to examine the academic profile of postgraduate theses on the subject of “lullabies” in Turkey between 1985 and 2024. The secondary aim of the study is to increase the awareness of Child Development Professionals about “lullabies”, which is a subject worth studying in the context of child and mother due to its developmental and socio-cultural effects. Within the scope of the research, 38 postgraduate theses were examined. The majority of these theses were conducted by female researchers (f=33) and supervised by female advisors (f=20).  Most of the theses were master's theses (f=29) and written in Turkish (f=35). Within independent parameters, theses are mostly;  It was conducted at Gazi University (f=8), Social Sciences Institute (f=15), Nursing Department (f=12) and with qualitative method (f=24). Quantitative studies were conducted by nurses in experimental design and on newborns. Only 2 theses on development were found. There is no thesis study on lullaby at the graduate level of the Child Development Department.


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How to Cite

Dilsiz, H., & Yılmaz, B. (2024). A Cultural Element About to Be Forgotten in Postgraduate Theses: Lullabies, Our Lullabies. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF SOCIAL HUMANITIES SCIENCES RESEARCH, 11(114), 2946–2955. https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.14585260