From Mass Communication to Digital Society: Cultural Paradigms of Digitalism

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Digitalism, Mass Culture, Society, Technology, Transformation


The formation of the digital society has been greatly influenced by the internet infrastructure that emerged after the 1980s. However, the process of becoming a digital society began with the discovery of television and other mass media. The emergence of mobile phones and mobile internet further accelerated this process, compressing the progress achieved in the industrial revolution over 300 years into a mere 20 years. Contemporary technology has permeated all aspects of society, leading to the individual experience of the psychology of mass culture. With the industrial revolution, the goals of profit-making and market creation gained significance at both individual and societal levels. Global multinational corporations resort to various methods to offer their products and services to society or individuals, often disregarding ethical and traditional boundaries, perceiving people as mere commodities, and exerting technological pressure on them. This study aims to provide an evaluation in this field, based on the analysis of existing theses, books, and articles. The scope of the study will be detailed under five main headings: Introduction, Culture, Mass Culture, Digitalism, and Conclusion. In this section, a general assessment will be made, and the relevant literature on this subject will be reviewed


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How to Cite

DARAKÇI , R., & ALP, H. (2023). From Mass Communication to Digital Society: Cultural Paradigms of Digitalism. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF SOCIAL HUMANITIES SCIENCES RESEARCH, 10(96), 1238–1243.