Investigating the Reasons for Students' Failure in Mathematics Course

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Mathematics, Education, Failure


The main purpose of this research is to investigate the reasons for the failure in Mathematics courses which are observed intensively in schools and to reveal the reasons for the intensified failure in Mathematics courses. In our sample, 3 Anatolian High Schools were selected and the opinions of Mathematics teachers were added in parallel with the results of the questionnaires. When we look at the big picture, we can see that it is worth investigating the reasons why thousands of students score zero or below in mathematics in university entrance exams every year. Why we cannot teach mathematics, what are the student's interests, attitudes, and fears in this subject? The reasons why the fear of mathematics lessons in primary school continues until high school years are investigated in this project. The research is in a survey model. In the research, the reasons for the failure of the students studying in Anatolian high schools the Mathematics course were investigated. In order to realize the aim of the research, the Attitude Scale towards Mathematics on a Likert scale was applied to the students studying in Anatolian high schools. The scale was applied to a total of 250 students studying in Anatolian High Schools. The scale, which consists of a single section based on the relevant literature reviewed to collect the data, consists of 19 questions.  As a result of the research, in this study in which the reasons for students' failure in mathematics course were investigated, students think that mathematics course is difficult compared to other courses, they always feel themselves under pressure in mathematics course, they do not plan to take more mathematics courses in their school life and they are always confused in a mathematics course.


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How to Cite

KÜÇÜK, E., ÇAKIR, G., YEŞİL, Özgür, CAN, B., SOLMAZ, Şaban, & AYTEKİN, M. (2023). Investigating the Reasons for Students’ Failure in Mathematics Course. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF SOCIAL HUMANITIES SCIENCES RESEARCH, 10(96), 1363–1371.