Investigation of Reading Habits of Secondary School Students

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Reading Habits, Student, Secondary School


Reading is an action that people have been doing since the invention of writing. People increase and update their knowledge by reading, and they put their knowledge, impressions, and experiences into writing and present them for the reading pleasure of other people. Reading is extremely important to understand the message that someone else wants to convey to the reader. Reading habits are an important form of behavior that individuals acquire throughout their lives. Especially secondary school period is accepted as a critical period in which students' reading habits are formed and developed. Therefore, examining the reading habits of secondary school students is of great importance for educators and researchers. In this study, the "Attitude Scale on Book Reading Habit" was used to examine the reading habits of secondary school students. The scale includes 30 attitude statements with 6 factors (love, habit, necessity, desire, affect, benefit), 21 of which are positive and 9 of which are negative. The scale was applied to students in a secondary school with 350 students. This study aims to examine the reading habits of secondary school students and present important findings. The results of the study will provide valuable information for school administrators, teachers, parents, and other stakeholders and will contribute to the determination of strategies to support the reading habits of secondary school students. Examining the reading habits of secondary school students is of great importance to improve the reading culture of young people and to make positive contributions to their educational lives. In conclusion, this study showed that secondary school students' attitudes toward reading habits are generally positive. It was observed that students liked reading books, believed that reading books improved their imagination, and thought that reading books provided them with many benefits. These findings emphasize that students tend to read books willingly and that reading books contributes to their personal development.


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How to Cite

GÜNEŞ, M., AVCI, M. Şerif, BARAN, H. M., ANNIKIZIL, B., YAVUZKURT, İsmail, & ERKAL, F. (2023). Investigation of Reading Habits of Secondary School Students. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF SOCIAL HUMANITIES SCIENCES RESEARCH, 10(97), 1483–1495.