Plagiarism Policy

Authors are not required by our journal to sign a submission letter. Related author; Responsible for complying with publication ethics. In all articles for plagiarism; After the article is uploaded to the system, the report, which must be sent by the author, is requested and controlled by the management. Authors should avoid plagiarism, including self-plagiarism. Manuscripts with similarity report results above 25% will not be accepted for publication by the journal. Submitted papers must be original and not published or presented for publication elsewhere (Presentation in the form of a brochure, congress, symposium or meeting is not an obstacle to publication). It is at the discretion of the journal to publish articles with a plagiarism rate of more than 25% in some cases.

The editorial board will thoroughly check the submitted articles in order to detect and prevent possible research misconduct related to the publication of published articles. If a research misconduct is identified, the corresponding author is responsible for the retraction or correction of articles, based on the editor's and reviewers' feedback.


Articles should seek to present research, innovation, and theoretical and/or practical insights in current literature and debates.

Authors should be aware that they are addressing an international audience. Articles should present original work and acknowledge significant contributions by others where appropriate.

Submitted manuscripts should not be accepted for publication elsewhere. Its presentation in the form of a brochure, congress, symposium, or meeting is not an obstacle to publication. As an author, if you want to cite the text of any figure, table, or other source, you must give permission. This applies to "derivative reproduction" (where you create a new figure or table that derives significantly from a copyrighted source) as well as direct reproduction.

The corresponding author should always be willing to participate in the peer-review process and be responsible for providing retraction or error corrections. All authors are expected to make significant contributions to the research.

All legal responsibilities of the submitted article belong to the authors. The journal does not accept responsibility. All copyrights of published articles belong to the JSHSR journal. Also, authors are not paid royalties.

An article should not exceed 10,000 words and 35 pages; This limit; includes figures, references, and tables.