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  • Manal ABMDAS High Institute for Engineering Professions manal.abmdas@gmail.comBenghazi /Libya
  • Ergun DEMİREL Piri Reis University, edemirel@pirireis.edu.tr Istanbul/Turkey



Anahtar Kelimeler:

Port of Benghazi, Libyan Economy, Port Development, Civil Works in Port


As result of the Civil War and Foreign Intervention in Libya in 2011, damage and disorder from the war has been considerable. There are frequent electric outages, little business activity, and a loss in revenues from oil by 90%. A third of the country's population has fled to Tunisia as refugees. Main source of the country, oil production has fallen from 1.6 million barrel per day to 900,000 in five years of war and civil disturbance. Despite periodic economic and political crisis, a considerable emerge of economic activity is expected in the near future in particular reconstruction of urban areas and infrastructure is expected soon. Shipping is one of the most important forms of transportation for global trade. The ports play an important and vital role in the maritime transport chain, because it represents the link between road transport and maritime transport, in addition cannot be global trade that have an affair in the absence of ports.
The port of Benghazi acquires importance and distinction of being a key ring and a centre link between many of the regional countries in the field of various economic transactions. The port of Benghazi is the second largest ports in Libya after the port of Tripoli and the advantage of the port it serves a wide and large area includes eastern and southern Libya, and extend to west (Ras- Lanuf area), because importance economic and commercial of Benghazi city and as the largest also most important east cities of country and the second Libyan cities in terms of population
The aim of study is preparation of studies to improve the port of Benghazi in particular in civil works, to meet existing and future requirement of the Libya.
This study starts evaluation of the economic activities which lead in understanding the logistics requirements of Libya as well as major difficulties in the different type of logistics operations. Then the role of Port of Benghazi in Libyan economy will be discussed to define port development requirements. In the light of these requirements an Architectural Design Study will be improved to shape future posture of the port. Based on this future posture possible civil work requirements will be considered.
This is an initial study which aims to define future works for development of Benghazi port to meet the requirements of Libyan economy in next decade.




Nasıl Atıf Yapılır

ABMDAS, M., & DEMİREL, E. (2018). A PRELIMANARY STUDY ON DEVELOPMENT PORT OF BENGHAZI. International Journal of Social and Humanities Sciences Research (JSHSR), 5(19), 615–626. https://doi.org/10.26450/jshsr.398