Democratic Leadership

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Leader, Leadership, Democratic Leadership


Leadership is the ability of a person to mobilize his place to reach a common goal, the power to direct and direct them. The leader is in the position of motivating the place where he is, a source of inspiration for the work he will do and the manager of the actions he will take. A democratic leader, on the other hand, is the person who allows all the people of his place to express their thoughts, make proposals and involve them in decision-making. Democratic leaders take care to exercise their managerial authority together with other people in their environment. The democratic leadership style, which aims to achieve the desired destination by acting together, not alone, aims to motivate people by working together, that they can achieve something and to inspire confidence. Democratic leaders give importance to the ideas of their employees when making decisions, and allow them to make proposals. In addition, in democratic leadership, the leader is an individual who knows the way to reach the goal he has determined, makes other suggestions in terms of technical issues, but is objective in his criticisms to the group without boring the individuals in the distribution of tasks while doing business.


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How to Cite

Mavi, M., Fidan, M. Şah, Güler, M. H., Ertaş, M., Altunç, P., Kor, M., Bayhan, S., & Kurtoğlu, H. (2023). Democratic Leadership. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF SOCIAL HUMANITIES SCIENCES RESEARCH, 10(99), 2291–2295.