Determining the Factors Determining Teachers' Job Satisfaction: A Theoretical Evaluation
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Education Sector, Job Satisfaction, Life SatisfactionAbstract
Knowledge, innovation and technology are perhaps among the most frequently mentioned concepts in the world recently. Countries that can transform knowledge into innovation and combine it with a technological product achieve a certain level in terms of economy. At this point, the important first step is to reveal the information. A good education is needed in order to reveal the knowledge. There is an important correlation/relationship between the importance given to education and the emergence/development of knowledge. In addition, indicators related to education are an important projection showing the economic position of countries. As a matter of fact, the level of education is relatively high in developed countries that have completed their industrialization; these countries make extensive use of information and technology.
For good education, trainers who love their job and have high job satisfaction are needed. In this study, the theoretical research of the satisfaction levels of teachers working in Kahramanmaraş in business life is the subject. The obtained findings are discussed in the conclusion part of the study
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