An Atheist Philosopher A Mythological Philosophy: Art as an Act of Creation in Camus

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Absurd, God, Art, Creativity, Sisyphus, Atheism


Albert Camus is one of the most important characters of contemporary literature and philosophy, recognized worldwide. The literature award-winning author witnessed an era dominated by world wars and tried to analyze the complex mood of this era in his literary and philosophical works. According to Camus, human existence cannot be connected to transcendental reference systems that will regulate itself in ethical, political and aesthetic terms. In this context, it should not be expected from a transcendent reference source such as God to contribute to the process in the world. The most obvious reason for this situation is that the source from which contribution is expected is external to the world.

Camus's anti-transcendent thought limits all forms of explanation of human existence to the world. However, this situation is pregnant with an interesting problem: the problem of incompatibility between man and the world. According to the philosopher, man is incompatible with the world due to his conscious nature. Man is an immanent being in the world, but he is not entirely like him. This absurdity, which creates a problem of meaning in the definition of existence for Camus, must be resolved on a philosophical basis. Otherwise, suicide is inevitable. According to Camus, disharmony in the human-world relationship can be regulated by the alternative living possibilities that artistic creativity offers for the reproduction of the human experience. Works of art are the most important resources that will diversify human life and offer new opportunities beyond existing habits. With this life-changing power of artistic creativity, it rebels against stereotypical and dulled forms of being.

Rather than focusing on the origins of an atheist philosopher's anti-God ideas, this study aims to see how an atheist mind defines the human-world relationship. In this context, the thoughts of Albert Camus, who avoided the political atheism of his age and sought solutions to his existential problems on a philosophical basis, were examined.


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How to Cite

Tezcan, V. (2023). An Atheist Philosopher A Mythological Philosophy: Art as an Act of Creation in Camus. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF SOCIAL HUMANITIES SCIENCES RESEARCH, 10(99), 2176–2184.