Features That Homework Should Have and Its Effects on Academic Success

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Homework, Academic Achievement, Teachers and Schools


Homework has always been on the agenda as a subject that has been questioned for a long time and whose effect on academic success has been wondered. Homework has a multidimensional structure that concerns both the student, the teacher and the parent. Homework given by the teacher is of great importance in terms of reinforcing the knowledge learned at school, enabling the student to learn, supporting the student's learning outside the classroom, and providing independent study skills. On the other hand, due to homework that takes a long time and is not given in accordance with the student's interests, curiosity and abilities, it can also be the reason for a process that can lead to students becoming alienated from the course and school and even dropping out of school. As for the parent aspect of the matter; Homework represents the process of bringing the school into the home. If the student has the necessary independent skills, he does not have any problems with his parents. But if the student does not have this feature; It may cause friction, arguments and negative attitudes within the family between the family and the student. Thanks to correctly carried out and planned homework assignments, students are helped to gain the skills of responsibility, using time correctly, critical thinking, problem solving, coming to conclusions by analyzing issues and working independently. In this research, scientific articles were examined using the descriptive analysis method on the positive and negative aspects of homework, the importance it attaches to the family, and its effects on academic success. The information obtained as a result of the analysis of the data was written in the findings section. According to the findings; With good homework, the student can progress academically and achieve the success he desires by improving himself. However, it is seen that homework that is planned beyond its purpose and given above the student's learning level remains a source of stress for both the student and the family. According to the results obtained, various suggestions were made on the characteristics of good homework.


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How to Cite

oğuz, mehmet, Ateş, A. H., Çelik, M. C., Yücesoy, M., Can, T., Şengül, B., Şen, H., & Aktay, Z. (2023). Features That Homework Should Have and Its Effects on Academic Success. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF SOCIAL HUMANITIES SCIENCES RESEARCH, 10(101), 2981–2993. https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.10253469