Chicory And Its Uses In Ottoman Medical Literature
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Chicory, Traditional Medicine, Ottoman Medicine, Ottoman PharmacyAbstract
The medical understanding of the Ottoman period was shaped by the legacy of ancient civilizations and the transmission of medical knowledge. This tradition was adopted by the Seljuk and Ottoman Empires to convey and develop the teachings of Greek, Arab, and Persian physicians in their languages. The medical works contained the teachings of Greek physicians such as Hippocrates, Galen, and Dioscorides in Arabic and Persian languages, but Turkish was popularized as the language of science in the Ottoman period. In the research, these works were translated into Turkish, and information was given about the use of chicory in Ottoman medicine. Chicory was considered an important plant in Ottoman medicine, and it was mentioned in many works in the Ottoman medical literature. Chicory was used as an important source of healing in the Ottoman palace, and it was frequently found in pharmacy records and palace medicine. The different types of chicory, their characteristics, and their uses were discussed in detail. In particular, detailed information was given on bostani and berri chicory types. It is seen that chicory had an important place in the Ottoman medical literature and it was examined in detail in various works. The medical uses, antidote properties and role in the treatment of various diseases of this plant are of great importance.
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