Investigation of the Concept of Body ın the Works of İnci Eviner in the Context of Social Gender

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İnci Eviner, Social gender, Contemporary art


Artists have constructed the benefits and social learning of the society in which they exist by taking on the role of style in their works. The concept of gender, which examines the gender stereotypes that societies have created through cultural and social norms, has been a subject that artists have tended to focus on since our recent history. When we look at the works under the title of gender, it is seen that they were initially shaped through biological gender fragments and then focused on the social construction of the concepts of woman and man. One of the artists who includes the issue of gender in her works is İnci Eviner. The purpose of this article is to examine the change that the body has undergone due to social domination in line with the gender debates that constitute the problem of Eviner's works, which have an important place in today's art. In the study, in which the qualitative research method was used, books, articles, internet resources, and artist catalogs were used, and by making inferences and analyzes in works related to the subject, the effects of society's domination regarding biological reality and gender representation on the individual were emphasized. As a result of the study, the concept of gender in İnci Eviner's works aims to reveal various dominations on sociological, psychological and body definition within the general laws of the society, in line with the fact that the female body is sometimes deprived of biological reality and sometimes its body actions are exaggeratedly underlined. We come to the conclusion. As a result of the artist's working style involving many mediums, he reveals the concept of gender not only on the body, but also through the spaces where the bodies are placed, through additional sounds, and his works have been examined in the context of gender.

It is thought that examining the concept of gender, which we frequently encounter in today's art, through İnci Eviner's works will contribute to contemporary art literature.


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How to Cite

Aksoy, B. B., & Özyonar Çırak, B. (2023). Investigation of the Concept of Body ın the Works of İnci Eviner in the Context of Social Gender. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF SOCIAL HUMANITIES SCIENCES RESEARCH, 10(102), 3347–3357.