The Relationship between Allah and His Servant in the Qur’an

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The Gracious, The Merciful, Wrath, Interlocutor, Compassion, Mercy


The fundamental points of the names and attributes referred to Allah are the attributes of blessing, compassion and mercy. Regardless of the sociology of Nuzul, leaving aside the attributes of blessing, compassion and mercy towards the relationship between God to man, the direct introduction of God with "Wrath", which is not included in the Esma-i Husna, has brought along a number of misunderstandings. However, in order for a human being to be connected to Allah with a strong bond, he must have a relationship based on love, trust and hope. Allah, who takes mercy and compassion as his principle in this relationship, cannot be seen as a source of threat in any way. The method of the Hazrat Prophet's message: "Give good news, do not make it hate, make it easy, and do not make it difficult." is in the form. It is very important to acknowledge Allah, the prophet and revelation. The context of the revelation, its content, the reason for its revelation and the diversity of the addressee are effective in how the address is addressed. In this context, in order to understand the expressions about mercy and wrath correctly and to live the religion correctly, the subject has been discussed by taking into account the context, conditions and addressee group, starting from the concepts.


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How to Cite

Ateş, A., & Öz, A. (2024). The Relationship between Allah and His Servant in the Qur’an. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF SOCIAL HUMANITIES SCIENCES RESEARCH, 11(103), 65–77.