An Analysis of the Situation of People Described as “Abrâr” in the Qur'an (Example of Surah al-Infitar, Verse 13)
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Tafsîr, The Qur’ân, Good people, Heaven, RewardAbstract
One of the common denominators of the sacred texts is calling people to goodness and beauty. The last holy and unchangeable Quran also invited people to believe in Allah and obey the prophets he sent. The Quran states that Allah Almighty left people the choice to believe or not, but he also emphasized that he would be pleased if everyone did good deeds. While the situation was at this center, many people did not complement the divine teachings and focused on their personal wishes and tendencies, while some others listened to the messages of the prophets, accepted them and applied them to their lives. The Quran describes those who obey the prophets and apply the principles and principles of religion as “abrâr/good people”. It has been clearly stated that Allah, who has absolute justice, will not consider those who believe in Him and those who do not, those who obey His Prophet and those who do not, the same (Sâd 38/28). The Quran informs the righteous people who keep their word, feed the poor, and righteous people that there will be paradise in the afterlife, where they will be rewarded with silk clothes, sit on couches, and be welcomed with countless blessings. In this study, a verse (al-İnfitâr 82/13) was taken as the center, and the commentators' comments about what the concept of “abrâr” in the Quran means in the lexical and terminological context, who are the people meant by ebrâr, and what kind of rewards will be given to them in the afterlife were analyzed.
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