From Tradition to Future Charlie Parker

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Charlie Parker, Bebop, Jazz, Saxophone


Charlie Parker holds a significant historical position as one of the most important musicians of the bebop movement, which is a pivotal point in the evolution of jazz music from its inception to the present day. The transformation of jazz music into an American art form owes much to bebop, highlighting the genre's importance. Parker, having absorbed the music of his time, was also familiar with the classical music innovations of the era, making him a versatile jazz musician. This study focuses on the contributions and changes brought by Charlie Parker and bebop musicians to jazz music, examining their impact on the jazz traditions of the preceding period.

The swing era, a period known in jazz music history, became the popular music of its time and emerged as a significant part of the entertainment industry. The bebop movement, which developed and matured in the early 1940s coinciding with World War II, emerged as a form of protest by black musicians against the prevailing norms, leading to radical changes in jazz music. Charlie Parker stands at the forefront of musicians who pioneered bebop, deeply influencing subsequent generations of musicians. This study explores Parker's relationship with the musical traditions preceding him and his contributions, focusing on the factors that nourished his music. The findings of this study, conducted using qualitative research methods, are presented descriptively.


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How to Cite

Temel, T., & Sazlı , K. (2024). From Tradition to Future Charlie Parker. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF SOCIAL HUMANITIES SCIENCES RESEARCH, 11(107), 945–952.