New Generation Baglama Learning Technique with Finger Stave

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Baglama Training, Fingers Method, Music Education, Note


This study is a newly created teaching method to bring basic baglama learning to a certain level for individuals who need special education in Turkey or who have just started baglama training. Baglama is an important element of the Turkish musical tradition, and its training methods have evolved from the traditional master-apprentice system to modern music conservatories. In this study, "Finger Porte Method, Practical Note Values ​​Analysis Method and Visualization of the New Generation Baglama Learning Technique in the Application Part of the Apple Model and String Frets by Coloring the Strings of the Baglama Instrument" used in note and baglama training are detailed. This method enabled students to remember notes quickly, thus improving their note reading skills and reading/playing performance. The study highlights the importance of innovative approaches in music education and provides a basis for future research.


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How to Cite

Yazğılı, V. D. (2024). New Generation Baglama Learning Technique with Finger Stave. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF SOCIAL HUMANITIES SCIENCES RESEARCH, 11(107), 888–894.