An Eco-Dystopian Novel within the Framework of Turkish Language and Literature Education: Children of the Last Island

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Dystopia, Children of the Last Island


Dystopia has been a concept frequently heard about global issues such as wars, economic depressions and climate crisis since the beginning of the 20th century. Dystopia has become increasingly popular as a genre in literature and art. Eco-dystopia, which can be considered as a sub-branch of dystopia, deals with environmental disasters that will occur due to the disruption of ecological balance. The number of novels written in the eco-dystopia genre has started to increase recently due to problems such as the oil crisis and climate disasters caused by global warming. Especially young people's interest in novels written in this genre is increasing day by day. Dystopian novels also contain didactic elements. For this reason, it is possible to catch many points that inform and enlighten the reader about environmental awareness in novels written in the eco-dystopia genre. There are eco-dystopian novels that will enable young readers, in particular, to have a more questioning perspective on environmental awareness. For this reason, the use of eco-dystopian novels as an auxiliary resource in education will contribute to the reader in environmental awareness. In this study, we tried to focus on the usability of Zülfü Livaneli's work, Children of the Last Island, an eco-dystopian novel, as a teaching material in secondary school Turkish language and literature courses.


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How to Cite

Türkmenoğlu, S., & Çebi, E. (2024). An Eco-Dystopian Novel within the Framework of Turkish Language and Literature Education: Children of the Last Island. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF SOCIAL HUMANITIES SCIENCES RESEARCH, 11(109), 1315–1322.