Primary School Students Rough Engine Skill Examination of Development Levels

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Gross Motor Skill, Primary School, Developmental Level


The aim of the study is to determine the gross motor skill levels of primary school students. The sample group of the study is a class of 50 male and 50 female students in a primary school in Istanbul. Within the scope of the research, the gross motor skill development test developed by Dale Ulrich was applied in order to determine the student's gross motor skill development levels. According to the results of the research, it has been concluded that the skills that the students can do the most are "20 meters running", "dribbling with the ball" and "foot strike" skills, and the skills that the students have the most difficulty are "standing long jump" and "hit the ball with a bat". By scanning scientific studies the results were summarized and suggestions were made.

Especially in preschool students, the development of the muscles that provide gross motor movements is quite rapid. However, children in this period tend towards activities involving skills that require hand and finger coordination (Pedük, 2011: 88). Accordingly, it was concluded that the students in the preschool period could not adequately perform the skills of "catching" and "stroking the dura ball with a stick" because hand and finger coordination were weak skills of "catching" and "stroking the dura ball with a stick" because hand and finger coordination were weak.


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How to Cite

Göçer, A. (2023). Primary School Students Rough Engine Skill Examination of Development Levels. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF SOCIAL HUMANITIES SCIENCES RESEARCH, 10(97), 1523–1528.