Investigation of 7th-Grade Students' Awareness of Earthquake

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Earthquake awareness, earthquake education, earthquake risk, technological advancements


Earthquake poses a great danger in our country as always. Our country is located on an active earthquake belt and therefore, it is important to be prepared for earthquakes. Students need to have earthquake awareness to keep them safe. Students' earthquake awareness makes them aware of the earthquake risk. In addition, earthquake awareness helps students learn what they can do to reduce the risk of earthquakes. Knowledge of how students should act during an earthquake can reduce the risk of injury and damage. Students can also protect themselves by learning how to behave before, during, and after an earthquake. Earthquake awareness is also important for students' families and communities. Students can also protect their families living in earthquake-prone areas by providing information to them. Therefore, it is important to organize earthquake awareness training and drills in schools. This article discusses the importance of examining and measuring studies on 7th-grade students' earthquake awareness, as well as the importance of creating an earthquake-aware society. Emphasizing that earthquake is a great danger in our country, the importance of students having earthquake awareness is emphasized. It is stated that students should understand the earthquake risk and learn what they can do to reduce it. It is emphasized research shows that it is important to increase earthquake awareness among secondary school students and earthquake education should be organized for this purpose. It is also stated that the inclusion of technological developments in education programs can contribute to earthquake awareness and information.


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How to Cite

ÖZKORKMAZ, H., TÜRK, M. M., TAŞYÜREK, K., TAŞYÜREK, M., BARAN, S., & GÜLER, T. (2023). Investigation of 7th-Grade Students’ Awareness of Earthquake. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF SOCIAL HUMANITIES SCIENCES RESEARCH, 10(96), 1346–1362.