Effective Teacher Behaviors in the Light of Educational and Cultural Concepts

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Education, Teaching, Culture, Teacher, Effective Teacher


In this study; By making definitions of the concepts of education, training, and culture, it has been stated what effective teacher behaviors are. The effects of the defined concepts on effective teachers, ideal teachers, and good teacher behaviors are mentioned. Who is the effective teacher in this study? How to be an effective teacher? What are the behaviors that show effective teacher behaviors? Answers to your questions are sought. Teachers are people who play an important role in the educational process and devote their lives to transmitting knowledge to future generations. Teachers are necessary in order to develop and progress both individually and socially and to protect the continuity of the next generation. The most fundamental problem of education systems is the quality of education. Evaluations of the quality of education are also increasingly being taken as key measures of what students learn and how well they learn. Therefore, teachers should be lifelong learners who are committed to the academic development of their students. They often have to continue their own education to further develop their methods and skills, and they will be able to carry out this process with how much they have internalized the concepts of education, training, and culture. In short, how educated and open a trainer or teacher is; how much he is committed to learning principles and has command of teaching methods; The more cultured and intellectual it is, the more effective it is. It is these elements that make a teacher effective.


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How to Cite

BULUT, M., BULUT, M. A., ECER, H., EKİNCİ, M., GÖKÇE, M. S., DUYMUŞ, Y., KUŞÇA, A., & ÇOBAN, K. (2023). Effective Teacher Behaviors in the Light of Educational and Cultural Concepts. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF SOCIAL HUMANITIES SCIENCES RESEARCH, 10(96), 1372–1385. https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.8112146