Teacher Opinions About Educational Environments

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Education, teacher, educational environment


Teachers, one of the most important elements of the education system, are a fundamental building block for the development and progress of societies. In this process, teachers are not only a figure that conveys knowledge but also plays an important role in guiding the personal development of students. The success of the education system is closely dependent on the qualifications teachers have. Their opinions are critical to how these environments can be improved. Teachers are people who observe students' learning needs firsthand and develop strategies to respond to those needs. Therefore, teachers' views on educational environments should be seen as an important source in shaping educational policies and practices. Teachers' roles in educational processes are of central importance in determining student success and the quality of education. This study aims to examine teachers' views on educational environments. The research aims to collect teachers' opinions on the current state of educational environments, the effects of these environments on student learning and participation, and how teachers can improve these environments. The study was carried out with 24 teachers working at various levels and in different branches in Diyarbakır, and aimed to determine the teachers' views on educational environments. Face-to-face interviews were conducted using a specially created interview form for this purpose. Interview data were examined in detail using the content analysis method. According to the results of teachers' opinions, they vary in key issues such as increasing student interest and motivation, access to materials and resources, classroom environment and communication, professional development and planning. Positive opinions reveal that teachers see the fruits of their efforts to make lessons more impressive for students, making a positive contribution to student success. However, in negative opinions, difficulties such as access to limited resources, classroom discipline problems and exam pressure negatively affect student success and teacher motivation.


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How to Cite

Özmez, A., Özmez, B., Dündar, F., Aflaz, Ömer, Böle, İmran, Ülmez, D., & Avcı, O. (2024). Teacher Opinions About Educational Environments. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF SOCIAL HUMANITIES SCIENCES RESEARCH, 11(105), 716–721. https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.10927294